The Robin is a nice little songbird with brownish wings, back and tail and a rusty-red "bib" which covers most of the breast and the face. Compared to the rest of the body this birds looks rather big-headed. Most impressive are the Robin's beady eyes.
The Robin has thin and long legs. On the ground it mainly hops with both legs and only rarely walks with small steps.
Robins breed in woodlands, gardens, parks, on forest edges which are adjacent to open areas. We know the Robin as a frequent guest in yards, gardens, on terraces and on balconies where it loves to attend to bird feeding all year.
Order: Passerines (Passeriformes)
Family: Muscicapoidea
Genus: Erithacus
Species: European Robin
Scientific Name: Erithacus [rubecula] rubecula
Name in German: Rotkehlchen
Name in Czech: Červenka obecná
Name in Slovak: Červienka obyčajná
Name in Hungarian: Vörösbegy
Name in Croat: Crvendać
Name in French: Rougegorge familier
Name in Spanish: Petirrojo Europeo
Name in Portuguese: Pisco-de-peito-ruivo
Name in Italian: Pettirosso europeo
Name in Dutch: Roodborst
Name in Finish: Punarinta
Name in Norwegian: Rødstrupe
Name in Danish: Rødhals
Name in Swedish: Rödhake
Name in Polnisch: Rudzik
Name in Russian: Зарянка
Name in Greek: kοkkinοlaimis, Κοκκινολαίμης, Κοτσινολαίμης
Name in Turkey: Kızılgerdan, kyzylgerdan, Nar Bülbülü