


Swans are large aquatic birds and the largest species amongst waterfowl. They have a massive body, feet placed far to the back, small head, pointed bill, long neck and broad long wings.


In order to take off swans are required to rund and strongly flap their wings. Their gait is clumpsy to say the least. When walking it looks similar to Canadian Geese walking. 


Swans feed on green plants with their head submerged. Like geese swans are monogamous pairs for life.


Western Palearctic Swans


There are three species living in Western Palearctic, with the Tundra Swan breeding in the arctic circle:

  • Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) - mainly western, central and southeast Europe
  • Whooper Swan (Cygnus cygnus)
  • Tundra Swan - Bewick's Swan (Cygnus columbianus)


Mute swan Cygnus olor
Mute Swan
Mute swan Cygnus olor
Mute Swan pair on a lake
Mute swan Cygnus olor
Mute swan starting its flight
Mute swan Cygnus olor
starting mute swan #1
Mute swan Cygnus olor
starting mute swan #2
Mute swan Cygnus olor
starting mute swan #3
Mute swan Cygnus olor
strarting mute swan #4

Mute swan Cygnus olor
Mute swans flying over a lake